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11 de diciembre de 2013

Creativity vs Schools

BY: Paloma Cuevas
Creativity should be treated with the same status as literacy when it comes to education... School generally kills creativity through stupid decissions and restrictions... Children learn to be standarized instead of being treated as extraordinary human beings... yet we ask them to grow up to be extraordinary men and women who can cope with daily crazy situations...
One of the greatest things about being a child is the opportunity to commit errors and to make mistakes, which are really different things... while an error occurs due to ignorance, and a mistake is just a slip the best thing about childhood is the flexibility children show to learn, and to create due to the fact that they are not afraid of being wrong. Of course it does not mean that by being wrong you are doing well, it means that if you are not ready to be wrong, then you are not ready to be original...

The real problem with standarization is that children learn to be afraid of making mistakes, and by that fear they forget how to create... and how to come up with something out of the box...

Everywhere around the globe educational systems have the same hierarchy on subjects, Math and Languages go on top of everything, then some Humanities  to remind us that we are human beings and Arts of course at the bottom of everything... We forget to educate the whole human and we focus on the child from the head to top, and in that area we generally prefer one hemisphere giving most of the attention to "rational thinking" and leaving any attempt to change things out of any questioning.

It's just like most of schools have forgotten about the rest of the human anatomy and just use their bodies as a container which carries their head which contains their brains around... 

The simple idea of creating people who can do something from their lives apart from academic knowledge seems just impossible: But just as a sports wear ad once said "Impossible is nothing". Children should be taught to think and not just to repeat, memorisation as well as standarization should be a crime, children should be taught to question and be critical.

The whole educational systems are crashing down, having a degree is no longer a promise of getting a job, now you need more, and it does not necessarily mean that you are well-prepared, there are people with higher degrees that do not even now how to follow a writing process.

We should question what do we want from professionals: people to be able to gather papers or people able to be competent and use competencies around the different situations they will have to cope with? People who can show a ton of documents or people who are able to manage different kinds of intelligence in order to get to a result?

We know three things about intelligence so far:
1. It is diverse
2. It is dynamic
3. It is distinct

Intelligent people should be able to be creative in order to become an individual asset for a real society, not for the ideal one that does not really exist. As a matter of fact some disorders that have been "created" or "labeled" with the idea of allowing children to "merge" and to be "functional" in a society that does not really accept them have just become a comodity for teachers who are not really willing to teach.

It would be wonderful to rethink the fundamental values on which we are teaching our children for a reality yet to come. How can we be able to predict our society's needs for the future 50 years if we are not able to handle children today?

Real teachers are not in the classroom to teach, they should be there to light the intention of curiosity, to make students eager to know and to create, to be a leading guide, so that kids can really create and be responsible for their knowledge. Nowadays society privileges lazy students by making them just take a little bite from the whole of knowledge.

The challenge is to make students think and to be ready for the questions that this thinking might create...

12 de julio de 2013

Malala vs. Teen Mom

En un mundo en donde el ser una "Teen Mom" es lo de hoy, habiendo dieciséis millones de niñas que dan a luz cada año, donde la sin razón se torna la norma y en cambio el ser pensante y actuar en consecuencia resulta "raro" o fuera de moda. Donde de acuerdo a Ariel Pablos, Administrador asistente para la Salud Global de la Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional de Estados Unidos "Nos unimos a la comunidad global para aumentar la concientización sobre el tema del embarazo en adolescentes con esperanza de proteger y empoderar a millones de jovencitas alrededor del mundo",

Sin embargo esta niña nació en una zona marcada por el conflicto y la injusticia... Swat, Jaiber Pastunjuá, Paquistán, lo  cual significaría que a partir del 2003 cuando el régimen Talibán tomó el poder tendría prohibido el acceso a la educación, simplemente por ser una niña, recordemos que este régimen marcado por la estupidez, el oscurantismo y la ignorancia no permitió la educación hacia el género femenino desde el 2003 y hasta el 2009.

Malala se convirtió en una piedrita en la bota opresora Talibán, por un tres razones:

La primera - ser una activista en favor de los derechos civiles, especialmente los derechos de las mujeres.
La segunda - haber alcanzado cierta notoriedad al escribir bajo el seudónimo de Gul Makai para la BBC, explicando su vida bajo este régimen.
La tercera - su aparición en un documental llamado "Pérdida de Clases, La muerte de la educación de la mujer", que fuera dirigido por Adam Ellick e Irfan Asharaf, del New York Times, y que la muestra a ella junto con su padre y el cómo de la imposibilidad de la educación hacia las mujeres en esas áreas del mundo.

Ante este "atrevimiento" de denunciar lo indecible en Paquistán, la reacción Talibana no se hizo esperar y haciendo gala de toda su intolerancia ante la verdad... se "atrevieron" ellos a atentar contra la vida de una pequeña niña el 9 de octubre de 2012, cuando un miliciano del Talibán le disparó en varias ocasiones, con un fusil. La balas impactaron el cuello y cráneo de la Malala, además de herir a dos estudiantes más a quienes ella llama sus amigas.

Como resultado de este atentado ella debió ser intervenida quirúrgicamente.
 La pequeña Malala logró mover a la población cercana a su escuela, que salió a protestar a las calles ante lo terrible del hecho.. y movió a la opinión internacional que de inmediato reprobó la acción, recibiendo el apoyo de Asif Ali Zardari, Susan Rice, Desmond Tutu y Ban Ki-moon, así como Barack Obama y Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Y no es que como dice  David Calderón, director de Mexicanos 1° (@DavidResortera en Twitter) el hecho de que  "La educación es tan importante que los fanáticos y extremistas le tienen miedo a una niña que abre un libro", no es ese el único temor que este tipo de régimenes debe tener, sino la cantidad de niñas que vendrán junto y detrás de Malala y a quiénes el mundo ya nos les podrá ser explicado a partir de la fe y las mentiras del oscurantismo.

Estas nuevas mujeres serán capaces de conocer y entender el mundo a partir de la razón, y no sólo harán las preguntas correctas, sino que serán las encargadas de dictar las nuevas respuestas.
Discurso de Malala ante las Naciones Unidas en su día.